Monday, January 11, 2021

Virtual Education Happy Hours Added: BYOC (Bring your own Cases)

Join us for Abdominal Cases for Aces every Tuesday at 11am PST / 2 pm EST ! 

Zoom ID 210-616-481 - Direct message us on Twitter for the password

Twitter: @AbdominalCase 

Abdominal Case Conference - 1/5/2021

  • 0:00 - Heterotaxy with left sided isomerism (polysplenia and Left sided IVC) -- better prognosis than right sided isomerism (asplenia) - Dr. Katie Gardner (UNM)
  • 4:27 - Two cool solitary fibrous tumors of the pelvis!  Dr. Roopa Ram
  • 12:34 - Renal infarct and colonic pneumatosis in the setting of COVID 19 - Dr. Aarti Sekhar
  • 17:15 - Using CCLS score and segmental enhancement inversion to diagnose a chromophobe RCC -Dr. Aarti Sekhar
  • 23:35 - Renal cystic mass - MCN, Multilocular cystic RCC, or Clear cell RCC with cystic features?? Dr. Aarti Sekhar
  • 28:25 - Pancreatic transplant with pancreatitis from rejection - Dr. Aarti Sekhar
  • 33:20 - New theory for hypertrigliceridemia as a major cause of pancreatitis! Dr. Steve Eberhardt

Abdominal Case Conference - 12/15/2020


0:00 - Nivolumab-induced pancreatitis - Dr. Gitanjali Bijaj
6:12 - Castleman's disease (the great mimicker!) in the setting of multiple myeloma - Dr. Gitanjali Bijaj
14:25 - Extra/intrahepatic splenosis at the liver dome - Dr. Katie Gardner
18:32 - Full thickness extra-anal intussusecption ("rectal prolapse") on fluoro defecography - Dr. Omar Kallas
21:38 - Severe tri-compartment pelvic floor descent on MR defecography - Dr. Omar Kallas
24:44 - Companion cases of intra-anal intussusception and prolapse on MR - Dr. Victoria Chernyak
26:33 - Huge retroperitoneal mass turned out to be.... an ancient hematoma! And companion case - Dr. Aarti Sekhar
34:04 - MSK companion case of ancient hematoma / calcific myonecrosis - Dr. Kedar Jambhekar
35:10 - Acute on chronic cholecystitis on CT/MR - don't be fooled by lack of GB distention - Dr. Aarti Sekhar
42:38 - PSC mimic but with thoracic LN - sarcoid! Dr. Victoria Chernyak
45:05 - The rare common bile duct IPNB.... with recurrence in remnant CBD after transplant - Dr. Victoria Chernyak
50:23 - Consult case - colorectal liver metastasis impending rupture vs extracapsular extension? Dr. Nelly Tan

Abdominal Case Conference - 12/8/2020


0:00 - HCC screening case - DWI quality matters! Also discussion of Eovist for HCC screening - Dr. Victoria Chernyak
10:58 - HCC in right liver tip or dome can parasitize vessels! - Dr. Victoria Chernyak
13:38 - Liver mass in young woman - adenoma or.... ??  Dr. Victoria Chernyak
18:23 - The rare gallbladder ICPN (IPMN of the GB) - Dr. Victoria Chernyak
25:31 - Nice ileal NET case and review - Dr. Roopa Ram
33:23 - Fatty RP mass that was an inflammatory pseudotumor! Dr. Nelly Tan
37:17 - MALT lymphoma of the stomach associated with H.pylori - Dr. Aarti Sekhar
39:17 - RP paraganglioma with cystic degeneration - Dr. Aarti Sekhar
40:43 - Lipiodol lymphangiography treatment for chylous ascites - Dr. Aarti Sekhar
43:05 - GB perforation or cancer? - Dr. Aarti Sekhar
45:40 - Mass-forming portal cavernoma (case of the day!) - Dr. Kedar Jambhekar

Abdominal case conference - 11/24/2020


0:00 - Rare colonic primary plasmacytoma - Dr. Nelly Tan
3:05 - Pancreatic and renal masses - Mets, lymphoma, IgG4, or VHL?? - Dr. Aarti Sekhar
6:14 - Necrotic mass that became more solid - bx reveals well diff HCC - Dr. Aarti Sekhar
10:15 - T2 bright sciatic notch mass - another myxoid liposarcoma! Dr. Aarti Sekhar
13:00 - Giant lymph nodes in Castleman's disease, don't get fooled by surrounding fatty proliferation!  Dr. Aarti Sekhar
16:28 - Double peak hepatic arterial waveform from a dissection!  Dr. Teresa Diaz (related article:
20:40 - Low grade fibromyxoid sarcoma "Evan's tumor" - Dr. Roopa Ram
25:06 - Ingested.... pencils! Dr. Regino Cube
28:25 - Follow-up to earlier case - double peak of hepatic arterial waveform also be normal! Dr. Roopa Ram

Abdominal Case Conference 2/23/2021

  1:10 - Peterson space internal hernia from Roux-en-Y hepaticojejunostomy 5:08 - hx of cervical cancer s/p remote radiation with radiatio...